Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2024, 7(4); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2024.070420.
Yixu Chu1, Junying Lin2, Kun Li3
1Wuchang Univeisity of Technology, Wuhan, 430223, China
2Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, China
3Beijing University of Financial Technology, Beijing, 101118, China
Urban Air Mobility (UAM) has garnered significant global attention due to its potential to revolutionize transportation. The utilization of Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) vehicles in urban areas offers a promising solution for alleviating ground-level traffic congestion. This paper focuses on the design and study of a manned eVTOL with foldable wings, aiming to address the space limitation problem that arises in daily use scenarios. By integrating collapsible wings into the design, the eVTOL can significantly mitigate the constraints imposed by spatial and dimensional limitations, thereby enhancing its adaptability to existing transportation infrastructure. The mechanism design of these foldable wings is crucial for ensuring efficient operation and maneuverability. Through meticulous analysis and simulation, this paper examines various factors such as force distribution, center of mass positioning, and overall performance. Utilizing software like SolidWorks enables seamless integration of essential components like lifting mechanisms, retractable wings, and propellers into the vehicle's trunk based on a pickup truck model. To validate the feasibility and performance of this designed eVTOL with foldable wings, simulation analysis is conducted using ADAMS simulation software. This allows comprehensive testing under different scenarios while obtaining valuable data curves that provide insights into its capabilities. The findings from this research contribute towards advancing UAM technology by addressing practical challenges associated with space limitations in urban environments. The integration of foldable wing technology not only enhances operational efficiency but also opens up new possibilities for aerial transportation systems in densely populated areas. In conclusion, this paper presents an innovative approach towards developing a manned electric VTOL aircraft capable of efficiently navigating three-dimensional airspace while mitigating ground-level traffic congestion.
autonomous eVTOL; electric aircraft; UAV; UAM; structure design; folding wing
Yixu Chu, Junying Lin, Kun Li. Design and Simulation of Foldable Wing eVTOL UAV. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 4: 136-143.
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