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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(9); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070927.

Research and Practice of Blended Teaching of Web Front-end Development Course Oriented by Competency Based Education


Chen Xiaohong

Corresponding Author:
Chen Xiaohong

Department of Printing and Packaging, Shanghai Publishing and Printing College, Shanghai, China


This study, grounded in the concept of competency-based education, undertakes a comprehensive investigation into the web front-end development industry to identify the essential occupational competencies and humanistic qualities needed for these roles. Focusing on the "Web Front-end Development" course in higher vocational education, the study strategically selects and plans course projects, incorporating them into a blended teaching model that integrates both online and offline methods. This approach not only addresses the practicalities of the course but also effectively bridges the gap between educational training and industry requirements. The course projects are decomposed into smaller, manageable tasks, enabling students to acquire professional skills and humanistic qualities through active engagement and practical application. The study further evaluates the impact of this teaching model, offering valuable insights for the implementation of competency-based project teaching in higher vocational computer courses, particularly in the context of the current informational era. The findings suggest that this model significantly enhances students' professional competencies and fosters a deeper integration of work and learning, thereby aligning more closely with the evolving needs of the industry.


Competency Based Education, Blended teaching, Project-based teaching, Front-end development

Cite This Paper

Chen Xiaohong. Research and Practice of Blended Teaching of Web Front-end Development Course Oriented by Competency Based Education. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 9: 174-179. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2024.070927.


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