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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2024, 7(9); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2024.070927.

Research on International Communication of Chinese Ceramic Culture on Social Media


Xin Liu1, Xinyao Qiu1, Wangren Qiu2

Corresponding Author:
Xin Liu

1School of International Studies, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, China

2School of Information Engineering, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, China


This study focuses on the international communication of Chinese ceramic culture on social media. Firstly, this paper reviewed the relevant researches on international communication, including the research focuses and related research findings in different periods, and discussed the development of international communication in China, from the introduction of theory to the exploration of new media and discourse systems. This study analyzed the international communication of Chinese ceramic culture on YouTube, a social media platform, through network collection. We discovered and analyzed three major themes of Chinese ceramic videos: ceramic antiques, ceramic products, and ceramic production. Ceramic antique videos highlight historical value and cultural significance; ceramic product videos show product quality and product brands; ceramic production videos reflect the charm of handicrafts and the production process. Chinese ceramic videos on social media have inheritance, artistry and cultural nature, providing a window for spreading Chinese culture.


Ceramic Culture, Social Media, International Communication

Cite This Paper

Xin Liu, Xinyao Qiu, Wangren Qiu. Research on International Communication of Chinese Ceramic Culture on Social Media. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 9: 164-169. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2024.070927.


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