Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(10); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.071019.
Jie Yang
Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
This paper explores the implementation and effects of the corporate mentor system at Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education in addressing the disconnection between vocational education and industry needs. By integrating industry experts directly into the training process, the corporate mentor system provides students with practical work experience and professional guidance, significantly enhancing their vocational skills and employability. Using a mixed-methods approach that combines in-depth interviews and surveys, this study identifies key areas of improvement in student outcomes, particularly in vocational skills, practical abilities, and employment competitiveness. The results indicate that the corporate mentor system effectively bridges the gap between education and industry, providing critical insights for enhancing vocational education practices. Additionally, this paper discusses challenges in mentor selection, training, and student-mentor matching, and proposes a comprehensive evaluation framework for optimizing the system.
Vocational Education, Corporate Mentor System, Industry Needs, School-Enterprise Cooperation, Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education
Jie Yang. The Role of the Corporate Mentor System in Addressing the Disconnection between Vocational Education and Industry Needs: A Case Study of Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 10: 116-121.
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