International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(10); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.061017.
Mengqing Cao
Faculty of Humanities, International University of Mongolia and China, Bayangol District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
With the coming of the data age and the quick improvement of mixed media innovation, countless sight and sound applications have showed up in study hall showing in schools and colleges. Multimedia is represented by the network, which plays a huge role in society with unprecedented potential. The importance of multimedia education in the world has been widely recognized, however, the evaluation of students' learning ability under different educational methods has always lacked a complete evaluation system. This paper introduces Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is a multi-objective decision analysis method that combines qualitative and quantitative methods. Using the analytic hierarchy process, the quality indicators of multimedia education can be quantified, and the subjective randomness can be avoided, thus making the evaluation more accurate and scientific. The experimental results of this paper show that in the self-learning ability survey of group B before the experiment, 13 students are very active in learning, and 34 students are very inactive in learning, indicating that the students in the two groups before the experiment are not strong in their self-learning ability. After the test, 38 students in group B were very active in learning, and 5 students were very inactive in learning, indicating that the students in group B had improved their autonomous learning ability after the test. Therefore, it is known that the education method under multimedia education can improve the learning ability of college students in the new era.
Learning Ability of College Students, Multimedia Education, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Educational Methods
Mengqing Cao. Influence of Different Education Methods on Improving the Learning Ability of College Students in the New Era under the Background of Multimedia Education. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 10: 111-119.
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