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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(10); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.061027.

A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Different Automated Writing Evaluation for College English Writings: Taking Pigai and Grammarly as Examples


Li Weiyang

Corresponding Author:
Li Weiyang

Nanning Normal Univeristy, Guangxi, Nanning, China


This article compares the effectiveness of two automated English writing evaluation tools, the domestic Pigai and the foreign Grammarly, in college English writing teaching. Based on the TEM-8 composition samples of English majors from a university in Nanning, the study evaluates the differences in scoring accuracy, feedback content and form, and student acceptance between these two tools and compares them with the TEM-8 scoring standards. The results show that while both tools have advantages in providing immediate feedback and increasing learning convenience, they have limitations in assessing creativity and complexity. Therefore, it is suggested that these tools should be used as auxiliary tools for teaching and learning, rather than as the sole standard to replace professional human judgment. At the same time, suggestions are made on how teachers should integrate technology and humanities in teaching, and how students should use technological tools to improve their writing skills.


Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE), English Writing, Pigai, Grammarly, Integration of Technology and Humanities, Creative Thinking

Cite This Paper

Li Weiyang. A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Different Automated Writing Evaluation for College English Writings: Taking Pigai and Grammarly as Examples. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 10: 184-190. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2024.061027.


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