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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(10); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.061031.

English Integrated Teaching Reform and Practice Based on "English Curriculum Standards for Middle and Higher Vocational Integration Education in Shanghai"


Li Huang

Corresponding Author:
Li Huang

School of Education, Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Polytechnic, Shanghai, 201809, China


This paper conducts an in-depth study on the reform and practice of English integrated teaching based on the "English Curriculum Standards for Middle and Higher Vocational Integration Education in Shanghai"[1]. By analyzing the current situation of curriculum construction, it elaborates on the innovation points, theoretical significance, and application value of the teaching reform project. The goals of the project construction are clarified, including knowledge goals, moral education goals, and professional quality goals, and specific explanations are provided from the aspects of curriculum setting, teaching content, and teaching methods. The goals of the teaching reform are achieved through diversified teaching methods, practice and application orientation, the introduction of modern technology support, interdisciplinary integration, evaluation method reform, and cross-cultural communication cultivation. This teaching reform project aims to improve students' English language proficiency, comprehensive abilities, and professional qualities, and promote the reform of the secondary-higher vocational integration professional curriculum, providing a useful reference for cultivating high-quality talents that meet the needs of society.


Vocational Education; English Teaching Reform; Curriculum Integration

Cite This Paper

Li Huang. English Integrated Teaching Reform and Practice Based on "English Curriculum Standards for Middle and Higher Vocational Integration Education in Shanghai". International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 10: 214-218. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2024.061031.


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