Frontiers in Art Research, 2020, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2020.020209.
Xiaozhou Yang1, Paul Jones2
1. Department of art, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110189, China
2. Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney, Wilkinson Building (G04), 148 City Road, Darlington NSW 2008
The street space in old urban areas in many Chinese cities is relatively narrow, with street networks dense. The layout of old neighborhoods is not in line with the living mode of modern residents and city master plans, which makes the old urban areas prone to traffic congestion and environmental degradation. The streets in the old urban area in Shenyang City are disordered in structure, restraining the city's vitality and playing a negative role in city development and management. Based on the current situation of the block system, the paper puts forward the strategies for spatial reconstruction of streets in the old urban area in Shenyang by means of analyzing several streets space along the old neighbourhoods.
Block system; Old Neighborhood; Street space; Reconstruction; Strategy
Xiaozhou Yang, Paul Jones. Strategies for Spatial Reconstruction along the Street in the Old Urban Area Based on the Block System of Shenyang City. Frontiers in Art Research (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 2: 33-38.
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