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Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry, 2024, 5(3); doi: 10.25236/AJMC.2024.050315.

Present situation and prospect of coal-based solid waste foam concrete material


Kai Kang, Xiaoxue Li, Zhoutao Qu, Qi Liu, Qianyao Zhang, Huihui Song, Jingwen Wang

Corresponding Author:
Jingwen Wang

Minegeology and Environment Academician and Expert Workstation, Ordos Institute of Technology, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, 017000, China


This study explores the significance of coal in China's energy security. And at the same time, noting the fact that the extensive coal mining activities also generate a considerable amount of solid waste, posing significant environmental challenges. This paper conducts a comprehensive analysis of coal-based solid waste filling materials, emphasizing their efficacy in applications such as filling material, foundation stabilization, and the prevention of ground collapse. Furthermore, the study explores potential applications of these materials in other contexts and outlines future research directions to address the environmental impact of coal mining while harnessing its energy potential.


Coal based solid waste; Filling materials; Concrete; Foamed Concrete

Cite This Paper

Kai Kang, Xiaoxue Li, Zhoutao Qu, Qi Liu, Qianyao Zhang, Huihui Song, Jingwen Wang. Present situation and prospect of coal-based solid waste foam concrete material. Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry (2024) Vol. 5, Issue 3: 99-103. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJMC.2024.050315.


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