International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(11); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.061118.
Zhenlei Lyu, Zhongming Liu, Wenhao Xie
Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology, Haikou, Hainan, 571126, China
With the deepening of the Healthy China strategy, the cultivation of health management talents has become a key link in improving the overall health level of the people. Based on the perspective of supply side reform, this article explores the current situation and problems of the training mode of health management talents, and proposes strategies to optimize talent training. The article first analyzes the talent demand in the field of health management, pointing out the disconnect between the current education system, industry demand, and social development. Then, specific measures were proposed to improve the cultivation of health management talents from the aspects of curriculum design, subject integration, industry university research cooperation, etc., emphasizing the construction of interdisciplinary curriculum system, the introduction of cutting-edge technologies, and the cultivation of practical abilities. Finally, the article calls for strengthening government policy support, industry participation, and educational innovation, and establishing a more scientific and comprehensive talent training evaluation system. Through these reform measures, the comprehensive quality and practical operation ability of health management talents can be effectively improved, promoting the smooth implementation of the Healthy China strategy.
supply side reform, health management, talent cultivation, Healthy China
Zhenlei Lyu, Zhongming Liu, Wenhao Xie. Research on the Training Model of Health Management Talents from the Perspective of Supply Side Reform. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 11: 111-117.
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