International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(11); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.061119.
Xiaochen Wang
Tianmiao Primary School, Shandong, Jining, 272415, China
Story picture book has multiple features which are necessary qualities of effective English reading material. Picture books have important value in English teaching in elementary school: First of all, English picture books are independently compiled, containing complete book information (such as cover, bottom cover, title page, author, illustration author, etc.), which can provide pupils with a complete reading experience and help them construct text concepts. Secondly, English picture books are rich in materials, and situations. With vivid plot, vivid language, it’s close to pupils’ daily life, and can provide them with rich imagination and space for thinking. Meanwhile, the vivid character characteristics, fascinating plots, and the cultural value implied in the picture books are all highly conducive to helping pupils perceive cultural differences, analyze and solve problems, and stimulate their internal reading motivation. That’s exactly the reason why teachers would love to combine text books and English story picture books to broaden pupils’ scopes and improve their multiple qualities. Based on Krashen's language input hypothesis and Piaget's cognitive development theory, and on the basis of clarifying relevant concepts, we summarize and put forward some suggestions on English picture book reading teaching in primary school, including English picture book teaching strategies and methods, basic teaching steps and principles, and makes a specific analysis and explanation of typical lesson examples in the middle grade of primary school, aiming at providing support and suggestions for English picture book teaching in primary schools.
English Story Picture Books; Effective Teaching Methods and Approaches; Primary School English Instruction
Xiaochen Wang. The Value and Path of English Picture Books in Primary School English Teaching. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 11: 118-126.
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