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Frontiers in Art Research, 2024, 6(12); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2024.061208.

Exploration of Product Design Innovation Practice Teaching Mode of Industry-Education Integration Combined with AI Technology


Liu Hongjiang1, Li Sheng2

Corresponding Author:
Liu Hongjiang

1Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China

2Taktak Discrete Industry Limited, Hong Kong, China


This paper explores the feasibility and application effect of the innovative product design practice teaching mode combined with artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the context of industry-education integration. By analyzing the current status of the application of AI technology in education, this paper proposes an AI technology-driven product design practice teaching mode, which aims to enhance students' innovation ability and practical skills. The research focuses on the teaching of industry-integrated courses in modern industrial colleges. At the present stage of the policy background, the construction of modern industrial colleges in colleges and universities is gradually increasing, and the direction of teaching reform is also gradually biased towards the integration of industry and education, etc. in line with the development requirements of modern industrial colleges. This provides a lot of research guidance on the integration of industry and education for this study, but because each university has local development characteristics, the existing research results may not necessarily be adapted to the talent cultivation objectives of our modern industrial colleges. The model has been optimized in terms of teaching objectives, content, methods and process monitoring, with AI-enabled personalized learning, intelligent feedback and data analysis, to achieve the teaching effect of deep integration of industry and education. Through the implementation and effect analysis of specific cases, the positive effect of the model in enhancing students' learning effect and teaching efficiency is verified, and the application prospect of AI technology in the future teaching mode of industry-education integration is further explored.


artificial intelligence, industry-teaching integration, product design, innovative teaching mode, practice teaching, personalized learning, teaching process monitoring, virtual simulation, data-driven teaching

Cite This Paper

Liu Hongjiang, Li Sheng. Exploration of Product Design Innovation Practice Teaching Mode of Industry-Education Integration Combined with AI Technology. Frontiers in Art Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 12: 56-62. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2024.061208.


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