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Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2024, 7(6); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2024.070618.

Efficient Storage and Access Management System for Network Databases Driven by Cloud Computing Technology


Yiru Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Yiru Zhang

Consumer Electronics Technology, Amazon, New York, NY 10044, USA


This article focuses on data storage and computing issues in cloud environments. With the advent of the big data era, cloud computing has become a key support for data storage and intelligent computing. This article analyzes the key challenges in cloud storage and computing, including data reliability, availability, and security, as well as the resource coordination scheduling problem between GPU and CPU in intelligent computing. In response to these challenges, this article proposes multiple innovative solutions: firstly, the DMcache extension architecture MapperX is designed, which improves the availability of storage systems and shortens disk recovery time through adaptive metadata bittrees; Secondly, a SwornDisk encrypted storage method combining LSM architecture and remote update encryption mechanism was proposed to enhance data security; Thirdly, the Elastic Scheduler framework has been developed to achieve elastic scheduling of GPU and CPU collaborative computing through local gradient accumulation algorithm; The fourth is the design of ParaX acceleration method, which optimizes the deep learning computing performance of multi-core CPUs through the "single instance single core" strategy. These methods have achieved significant performance improvements in experiments. Finally, this article looks forward to future research directions, including intelligent ABT highly available collaborative storage mechanisms, highly readable SwornDisk technology, and GPU-CPU collaborative elastic computing methods combining ES and ParaX.


Cloud storage and computing, DMcache, SwornDisk encrypted storage, Elastic Scheduler, ParaX multi-core CPU acceleration method

Cite This Paper

Yiru Zhang. Efficient Storage and Access Management System for Network Databases Driven by Cloud Computing Technology. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 6: 123-127. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJETS.2024.070618.


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