Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2024, 6(12); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2024.061202.
Zhifeng Wang, Jingquan Long, Hongsheng Lin, Zhisheng Ji, Guowei Zhang
Department of Orthopedics, The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou, 510623, China
In this case report, we describe a rare instance of intradiscal leakage accompanied by septic spondylitis following vertebroplasty, which can potentially lead to severe complications, including paraplegia and other neurologic deficits. Such cases of septic spondylitis accompanied by intrathecal cement leakage are rare in the current medical literature. We present the clinical details of a 68-year-old female who underwent percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) at a local hospital for osteoporotic fractures of the thoracic vertebrae, which were sustained while lifting heavy objects. Postoperatively, the patient experienced intradiscal cement leakage in conjunction with septic spondylitis. Based on the patient's condition, we performed a unilateral two-channel endoscopic decompression of the spinal canal and a percutaneous posterior pedicle screw and rod internal fixation. Postoperatively, the patient was treated with cefoperazone sodium-sulbactam sodium for a 6-week period of sedation.She exhibited a favorable recovery and was able to walk approximately 1 kilometer with the aid of a support device by the six-month mark. The patient expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the therapeutic outcome.
vertebroplasty; cemented intravertebral leakage; septic spondylitis; PVP
Zhifeng Wang, Jingquan Long, Hongsheng Lin, Zhisheng Ji, Guowei Zhang. A case report of combined septic spondylitis with intravertebral leakage of bone cement after ertebroplasty. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 12: 8-12.
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