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Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry, 2024, 5(3); doi: 10.25236/AJMC.2024.050320.

Degradation of Caffeine in Aqueous Solutions by Cobalt Activation of Peroxydisulfate under Ultrasound Irradiation


Yunleiyu Guo1,2

Corresponding Author:
Yunleiyu Guo

1Linyi Hengtai New Energy Co., Ltd, Linyi, China

2Linyi Hengyuan New Energy Development Co. Ltd, Linyi, China


Degradation of the Caffeine in aqueous solution using sulphate radicals under ultrasound irradiation was investigated. The experiments were conducted with only ultrasonication(US), cobalt activated peroxydisulfate(PS/Co2+), ultrasonication activated peroxydisulfate(US/PS) and cobalt activated peroxydisulfate under ultrasound irradiation(US/PS/Co2+). It was found that the optimal removal of Caffeine (CAF) in aqueous solution was US/PS/Co2+, which 57.4% of the CAF can be degradated at 8 h. The effect of CAF initial concentrations of the aqueous solution on the sonochemical degradation rate was also discussed. In our experiments, 100% CAF can be removal within 3 h at the condition of 10 mM PS, 0.5 mM Co2+ under ultrasound irradiation at pH 2.2.


Pharmaceuticals and personal care products, caffeine, sonochemical degradation, sodium peroxydisulfate

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Yunleiyu Guo. Degradation of Caffeine in Aqueous Solutions by Cobalt Activation of Peroxydisulfate under Ultrasound Irradiation. Academic Journal of Materials & Chemistry (2024) Vol. 5, Issue 3: 130-133. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJMC.2024.050320.


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