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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2025, 8(1); doi: 10.25236/FER.2025.080104.

On the Role of Translators of Children’s Literature from the Perspective of Social Learning Theory: A Case Study of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Yang Ziqian

Corresponding Author:
Yang Ziqian

School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Translation of children’s literature is an important subject in translation studies. Most studies in China focus on textual analysis of the translation of children’s literature. Foreign scholars have systematically studied the translator’s role in children’s literature, and paid more attention to the translator’s role as a cultural mediator and active participant. From the perspective of Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, this study takes the two Chinese translations of the Western classic children’s literature Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as the case and applies the quantitative method to explore the role of translators in the translation of children’s literature and the promotion of social learning among child readers in the target culture. This thesis then discusses the improvement of the quality of children’s literature translation at the following aspects: the enhancement of readability, fun, figurativeness and social education, in the hope that the practice of children’s literature translation can enrich the social learning theory, generate certain inspiration for children’s literature translation, and promote cross-cultural communication.


Translation of Children’s Literature, Social Learning Theory, The Role of Translators, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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Yang Ziqian. On the Role of Translators of Children’s Literature from the Perspective of Social Learning Theory: A Case Study of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Frontiers in Educational Research (2025) Vol. 8, Issue 1: 18-28. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2025.080104.


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