International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2025, 7(1); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2025.070115.
Gang Wang
Shandong Transport Vocational College, Weifang, Shandong, 261041, China
Deep learning refers to the learning in which students selectively absorb new ideas and knowledge based on their initial understanding, and incorporate them into the initial cognitive framework, so as to combine them with students’ own ideas and concepts and integrate new knowledge into the old cognitive system, thereby making judgments and solving problems. However, due to the high technical requirements for teachers in deep learning teaching, and the relatively heavy task of mathematics teaching nowadays, many teachers adopt problem-solving teaching methods that do not support the overall development of students. To solve this problem, this article cited the technical methods of network security human-computer interaction to alleviate the current teaching dilemma. This allowed teachers to teach students deep learning methods while completing heavy mathematical teaching tasks. Therefore, based on the network security human-computer interaction environment, this article conducted research on mathematics deep learning teaching, and accurately recognized the current situation of mathematics deep learning teaching, which provided favorable conditions for teachers to teach more easily and students to develop more comprehensively. This paper showed that the average score of students in mathematics tests using the deep learning method based on network security human-computer interaction environment increased by 8.62% compared to the average score of students in mathematics tests using traditional learning methods. At the same time, mathematics teachers’ teaching progress, satisfaction with mathematics teachers, and students’ enthusiasm for mathematics learning were also higher. It showed that the deep learning teaching of mathematics in the cybersecure human-computer interaction environment could better serve teachers and students, thereby verifying the feasibility of further improving teaching quality and ensuring the learning effect of students.
Network Security, Human-computer Interaction, Deep Learning, Teaching Mathematics
Gang Wang. Evaluation of Mathematics Deep Learning Teaching in Network Security Human-computer Interaction Environment. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2025), Vol. 7, Issue 1: 100-109.
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