International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2018, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.18226.
Jie Yin, Sihuang Yang
Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang, Hunan,421002
Based on Erikson's theory of identity, this study deeply analyzes the personality characteristics and formation process of the three pairs of brothers, the Elliq brothers, the Ishvar brothers, and the 48th brothers in the film "Alchemy of the Steel". The study found that the self-confident and positive character of the Ellik brothers in the Fullmetal Alchemist FA stems from the successful completion of the tasks of life development stage; the confused and hateful character of the Ishval brothers is 18 years old. The homosexuality caused by the heavy loss of life; the inferiority of the 48th brothers came from the failure of the 0-18-year developmental task. The results of the study can give us a certain enlightenment on how to cultivate positive and healthy personality, and help to create a harmonious and warm social environment.
Erikson's theory of identity; "Fullmetal Alchemist FA"; character analysis
Jie Yin, Sihuang Yang. Analysis on the Personality of the Film and Television Alchemist FA based on Erikson's Theory of Identity. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2018) Vol. 2: 104-107.
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