Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2020, 3(7); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2020.030704.
Guilin Lin1, *, Yonghao Geng2
1 Faculty of Built Environment, the University of New South Wales, Guilin Lin 2033, Australia
2 Academic of architect and urban planning, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Yonghao Geng 730000 China
*Corresponding Author
In recent years, the housing issue in Australia has become one of the most concerned topics among residents. The income growth rate of residents cannot keep up with the rate of increase in housing prices, and unhealthy real estate speculation has aggravated housing pressure. We will carry out a series of investigations and data analysis on this issue through the data collection method and case analysis method. At the same time, taking China's housing purchase restriction policy as an example, we will come up with some suggestions that apply to Australia, mainly: 1. Improve construction efficiency; 2. Simplify the house purchase process; 3. Increase subsidies for low-income and middle-income families; 4. Ensure residents' awareness and understanding of fluctuations in the real estate market.
Sydney, housing price, housing affordability, case analysis, countermeasures study
Guilin Lin, Yonghao Geng. The Study on Housing Affordability in Sydney. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2020) Vol. 3, Issue 7: 32-40.
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