International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2020, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2020.020211.
Dun Liu1, Min Zhang2, Chao Liu2
1 Institute of Higher Education Research, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, China
2 Human Resource Department, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, China
Teaching faculty in universities and colleges is of great significance and has been a hot issue in recent years. Focus on policy development on teaching faculty in universities and colleges in China since the 21st century. It can be found that many aspects have been improved including the quality and structure of teachers, ideological and moral construction, teacher training systems, teacher development institutions, teaching ability levels, institutional support and opportunity supply. However, the utilitarian-orientation of policy formulation is obvious, and the independence and autonomy of teacher development is still not enough. In the future, the formulation and implementation of teacher development policies require the combined and continuous efforts of all sectors of society.
Policy development, Teaching faculty, Higher education, China
Dun Liu, Min Zhang, Chao Liu. Exploration and Introspection: Policy Development on Teaching Faculty in Universities and Colleges in China Since the 21st Century. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 2: 48-52.
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