International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2020, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2020.020219.
TANG Huili, GENG Zizhen
Xi’an International Studies University, Shaanxi Xi’an 710128, China
In the Past 70 Years, Chinese Higher Education Has Been Simultaneously Developing with the Growth of the People’s Republic of China (Prc). under Five Generations of Chinese Leadership, China Has Established a Complete Higher Educational System with Constant Endeavors and the Contribution of a Large Number of Forefront Professionals. the Ministry of Education (Moe) Makes Short, Medium, and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development Plans According to the Change of Domestic and International Environment. This Paper Offers Us the Motivation and Factors of Implementing Internationalization of Higher Education in China and Some Thoughts on How to Use Human Capital Theory to Understand the Policy-Making Towards Internationalization of Higher Education in China. Robeyns (2006) Proposed Five Different Roles That Education Plays and Three Models of Education. Human Capital is One of the Three Models Besides Rights Discourse and the Capability Approach. Human Capital Theory (Schultz, 1961) Plays an Important and Fundamental Role in Western Economics. Human Capital Theory Has Great Impacted on the Development of Higher Education Worldwide, Which Also Affects the Educational Reforms Towards Internationalization in China in the Context of Globalized Economy. It Enhances the Development of Higher Education as Well as Brings Educational and Social Problems.
Higher education, Internationalization of higher education, Human capital, Wto, Policy
TANG Huili, GENG Zizhen. Internationalization of Higher Education in China:the Human Capital Approach. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 2: 83-91.
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