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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2020, 2(3); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2020.020305.

Research on the Blended Teaching Mode Combining Mooc with Moso Teach


Chunhong Jiang¹,  Liping Yu²,  Hean Liu3*

Corresponding Author:
Hean Liu

1 Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun City, China

Email: [email protected]

2 Sehan University, Dangjin, Chungcheongnam-Do, Korea

Email: [email protected]

3 College of Science, Hunan City University, Yiyang Hunan, 413000, China

Email: [email protected]

⁎ Corresponding author: Hean Liu


MOOC teaching mode has been developing rapidly in the world in recent years due to its advantages of learning process free from time and place and the ability to share high-quality teaching resources. However, in practice, there are some limitations. This paper explores a blended teaching mode combing MOOC with mobile intelligent teaching, and takes “Theory and Practice of Tea Culture” as an example to construct the teaching mode framework, so as to further improve the function of MOOC and enhance the teaching application effect of mobile intelligent teaching mode.


MOOC, Moso teach, Blended teaching

Cite This Paper

Chunhong Jiang,  Liping Yu,  Hean Liu. Research on the Blended Teaching Mode Combining Mooc with Moso Teach. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 3: 21-24. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2020.020305.


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