Frontiers in Educational Research, 2018, 1(2); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.030010.
Li Bin
School of Foreign Languages, China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing 102249
Shakespeare is a genius, and Romeo and Juliet, one of his four great tragedies is loved by readers, especially the favorite of the youth, and had been edited to a series of films and plays. This paper tries to investigate his key to success in Romeo and Juliet writing. It lies in his skill of using metaphor. Metaphor, or conceptual metaphor, is a cognitive term, a systematic way of human thinking, action and expression. Metaphorical expressions are displayed in this work based on his bodily experience.
Metaphor, Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, English Writing
Jiang Xia, Metaphor, the Secret of Shakespeare’s Success in Romeo and Juliet Writing. Frontiers in Educational Research (2018) Vol. 1: 24-27.
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