Frontiers in Art Research, 2020, 2(3); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2020.020311.
Wang Qiji
Hainan College of Economics and Business, Hainan 571127, China
College students majoring in design are an important force for China’s future economic construction. With the rapid development of China’s economy, many industries and enterprises have increasing demand for design majors. In this context, in order to cultivate more and better design talents that meet the needs of industries and enterprises, colleges should fully affirm the impact of industries and enterprises on school design professional education, and actively build a “college-industry-enterprise” trinity training mode. This is not only the need for the education and teaching reform of design majors in universities, but also the personal development needs of design majors.
Design major, Trinity, Talent training, Education model
Wang Qiji. Research and Practice on the Trinity Talent Cultivation Mode of “College - Industry – Enterprise” for Design Major. Frontiers in Art Research (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 3: 50-52.
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