Frontiers in Art Research, 2020, 2(5); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2020.020515.
Jin Lin
Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italia
In the background of post-orientalism, this paper attempts to discuss the influential cultural phenomenon in art-related fields focusing on Chinese modern architecture. The aim of this paper is to come up with some universal laws why post-orientalism happened in Chinese architecture. Chinese architect Li Xiao Dong is considered as an example for further analysis.
Post-orientalism, Li Xiao Dong, Chinese modern architecture
Jin Lin. Post-Orientalism in Chinese Modern Architecture: The case of Architect Li Xiao Dong. Frontiers in Art Research (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 5: 58-63.
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