International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2021, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2021.030104.
Xiaoxuan Fang
The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
There are many relevant studies discussing what measures can improve teacher leadership under the context of China; however, few have interpreted how teacher leadership is enhanced. The purposes of this study are to implement and evaluate eight measures of four themes (i.e. Sharing teachers’ expertise, Empowering teachers as leaders, Increasing teachers’ self-efficacy and collective responsibility, Teacher participation in school affairs management) for improving teacher leadership and to analyze how these measures may lead to improvement. Therefore, this study adopts the Four-Factor Model of Teacher Leadership theory and develops a framework with the Three-Step for Teacher Leadership Improvement as an implement guidance. A mixed-method research design, involving the quantitative method (i.e., pre- and post-tests), and the qualitative method (i.e., semi-structured interviews), will be employed. This study will enrich the theories of teacher leadership in the aspect of feasible measures for improving teacher leadership, which is still under-researched. Moreover, to school stakeholders who aim to improve teacher leadership, this study should be able to provide exemplars of implementing the three-step framework, the four-factor model of teacher leadership, and the eight measures for improving teacher leadership.
effective measures, teacher leadership, junior high schools, China
Xiaoxuan Fang. Exploring Effective Measures for Improving Teacher Leadership in Junior High Schools in China. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2021) Vol. 3 Issue 1: 16-23.
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