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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2021, 4(3); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2021.040310.

The Development Thread and Research Hot Spots of Western Sports Philosophy


Weiping Ji1, Yi Hokun2,*

Corresponding Author:
Yi Hokun

1 College of Physical Education, Kunsan National University, Kunsan 54150, Korea

2 Kunsan National University, Kunsan 54150, Korea

*Corresponding Author


The Western is the birthplace of sports philosophy, and many of its theoretical viewpoints have important reference significance and practical value for the development of Chinese sports philosophy. This article uses qualitative research methods to carefully comb and compare the development context, main research hotspots and development trends of Western sports philosophy. The study found that the study of Western sports philosophy began in the 1920s, gradually entered a period of prosperity after the 1950s, and was in a stable period at the beginning of the 21st century. The current research is in a multi-level and multi-disciplinary interdisciplinary research state. The naturalism, realism, empiricism, analytical philosophy, phenomenology, deontology, consequentialism and virtue ethics are widely used in sports research.


sports philosophy, development thread, research hotspots

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Weiping Ji, Yi Hokun. The Development Thread and Research Hot Spots of Western Sports Philosophy. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 3: 44-47. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2021.040310.


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