Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2021, 4(2); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2021.040203.
Su Yanga, Mengqiao Chenb, Yunzhu Mac, Wensheng Liud,*
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on High–Strength Structural Materials, Central South University, Changsha, China
aE-mail:[email protected], bE-mail:[email protected], cE-mail:[email protected], dE-mail:[email protected]
*Corresponding Author
In this paper, a set of the temperature field experimental method of civil aircraft wheel and carbon-carbon composite heat sink material is established. The heat absorption performance of the carbon-carbon composite heat sink and the heat dissipation performance of the wheel structure were characterized by this method. Using this method, the temperature field experiment of the wheel and brake device of a civil aircraft is carried out, and the test working conditions of the temperature field of the civil aircraft are established, the curves of temperature change with time during normal braking, taxiing braking and cooling are obtained, and the maximum temperature and heat dissipation characteristics are obtained.
temperature field experiment, civil airplane, wheel and brake, inertia test-bed
Su Yang, Mengqiao Chen, Yunzhu Ma, Wensheng Liu. Experimental study on temperature field of civil airplane wheel and brake. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 2: 13-21.
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