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Frontiers in Art Research, 2021, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2021.030114.

Naive Way-Thoughts on Portrait Creation


Tingyu Lin

Corresponding Author:
Tingyu Lin

The Glasgow School of Art, 167 Renfrew Street, Glasgow G3 6RQ UK


As a master in fine art in twentieth century, Matisse gave up the completed painting system and techniques during the Renaissance. He drew nourishment from primitive art and Eastern painting, and began to paint in a more direct, naive and simple way. I also try to follow this approach during my painting creation. This article is divided into three parts to explain the naivety in portrait creation. The first part is the original intention of my topic selection and the significance of the research topic; the second part introduces in detail the characteristics and reasons of Matisse's portrait painting; the third part is my creative practice and my thinking in the process.


Naivety, Matisse, Portrait creation

Cite This Paper

Tingyu Lin. Naive Way-Thoughts on Portrait Creation. Frontiers in Art Research (2021) Vol. 3 Issue 1: 51-54. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2021.030114.


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