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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2021, 4(4); doi: 10.25236/FER.2021.040405.

Exploration and practice of the construction mode of on campus training base in private colleges and universities—Taking Zhengzhou business school early Shang insurance studio as an example


Songzhi Wang, Haoshuang Kong, Puqi Li

Corresponding Author:
Songzhi Wang

Zhengzhou Business University, College of Finance and Trade, Gongyi, China


The cultivation of high-quality application-oriented talents is inseparable from practical teaching, and the school enterprise cooperation is also an effective way to improve the practical teaching level of private colleges and universities. Therefore, the establishment of campus practical training base is an important link in students' career education, and an important way to promote the win-win situation among students, enterprises and universities and improve the teaching quality of higher education in China. Based on the analysis of the problems of applied talents training of contemporary insurance major, combined with the construction of practical training base in chushang insurance studio of Zhengzhou Business University, this paper explores the construction mode of practical training base in private colleges under the deep integration of school enterprise cooperation.


private university enterprise cooperation, insurance major, on Campus Training Base

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Songzhi Wang, Haoshuang Kong, Puqi Li. Exploration and practice of the construction mode of on campus training base in private colleges and universities—Taking Zhengzhou business school early Shang insurance studio as an example. Frontiers in Educational Research (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 4: 25-30. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2021.040405.


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