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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2021, 4(5); doi: 10.25236/FER.2021.040501.

Research on Interactive Teaching Mode Based on Small Video


Song Leizhen1, Lv Dongfang2

Corresponding Author:
Song Leizhen

1Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing, Huainan Union University, Huainan, Anhui, 232001, China

2School of Information Engineering, Huainan Union University, Huainan, Anhui, 232001, China


Using small videos to complete interactive teaching is a dynamic process, which directly runs through students' learning and life,If students want to carry out learning activities, they must use videos to communicate and exchange information continuously under the network situation. Under the network environment, real-time interactive teaching has its unique advantages and characteristics, which can be mainly reflected in such education and teaching methods,The information is infinitely rich, and under the interaction of video network, the teaching space and time will not be limited, and interactive teaching can complete the effective communication between teachers and students,But now society has entered an information age, and network technology has certain interactivity, controllability and integration,Nowadays, interactive teaching only uses blackboard and chalk compared with the past. 


video teaching; Network teaching; Teaching interaction

Cite This Paper

Song Leizhen, Lv Dongfang. Research on Interactive Teaching Mode Based on Small Video. Frontiers in Educational Research (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 5: 1-3. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2021.040501.


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