Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2021, 4(5); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2021.040519.
Fang Yang
Department of Sociology, the University of York, York, the United Kingdom
The consumptive digital labor of social media users is an important component of reproduction labor, which promotes a dichotomy between the new relations of production within capitalism and the commodification and sharing of digital goods. This data processing method dominated by commercial forces uses ecology to challenge the established social order and raise new social problems. On the one hand, the application of big data as a core resource for data companies directly affects the survival and development of the companies involved and creates huge economic value for stakeholders and a whole society. On the other hand, while users enjoy the convenience of data, this use of data is often blind and passive: they are drawn into a torrent of data, and their thoughts and behaviors are induced.
Data; Commercial use; Personal use; Worth and value; Consumerism
Fang Yang. The impact and shaping of the notions of value and worth by commercial and personal use of data. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 5: 112-117.
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