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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2021, 4(9); doi: 10.25236/FER.2021.040908.

Design and Implementation of EFL Blended Smart Teaching Based on Rain Classroom


Wen Gong

Corresponding Author:
Wen Gong

School of Foreign Studies, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, 524048, China


Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the Rain Classroom teaching platform has been used for online and offline teaching and learning in some universities of China, providing learners with virtual learning environment through the establishment of a connected classroom and learning community. However, there is very few empirical EFL research using this new pedagogy so far. In this study, a hybrid research method of qualitative and quantitative was applied to conduct an empirical study to verify the teaching effect. The questionnaire indicated that students were highly satisfied with this blended smart teaching mode (88.78%), and their motivation for learning English was improved significantly (85.17%). A pre-test and a post-test of English proficiency were conducted before and after the 16-week teaching experiment respectively. The results of post-test revealed that students’ scores are much higher than those of pre-test (p<.05), which confirmed the effectiveness of this hybrid pedagogy. Therefore, this study has some enlightenments to the practice of EFL blended smart teaching in other universities.


Rain Classroom; Blended Teaching; EFL Smart Education; Educational Technology

Cite This Paper

Wen Gong. Design and Implementation of EFL Blended Smart Teaching Based on Rain Classroom. Frontiers in Educational Research (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 9: 43-49. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2021.040908.


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