International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2021, 3(5); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2021.030501.
Fan Yu1,2, Hao-Nan Wang1,2, Chengming Zhang3
1Lanzhou Institute of drought meteorology, Lanzhou, 730000, China
2School of Geomatics and Urban Spatial Informatics, Beijing University of Civl Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, 100044, China
3Shandong Agricultural University, College of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong 271018, China
The row structure in agricultural surface is key for effectively explaining SAR backscattering coefficient. The row structure is described by a mathematical method at first in this research, and a surface scattering model, called AAIEM (Agriculture Advanced Integral Equation Model) is presented in the paper. In the AAIEM, the row structure is assumed to be the combining of the periodic row surface and small-scale random rough surface over the row surface. Then, the polarimetric deflection angle is correct and the backscattering coefficient is calculated by derived AAIEM. The model is validated by AIEM and field measurements, the results show that comparing to AIEM, the AAIEM can better simulate the backscattering in the row structure surface, and it is more suitable for C/L band SAR signal. Our research provide theoretical foundation and technical support for development of precision agriculture in future.
agricultural surface with row structure, backscattering, AAIEM, polarimetric deflection angle
Fan Yu, Hao-Nan Wang, Chengming Zhang. Research on Backscattering Model with Row Structure on Farmland. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2021), Vol. 3, Issue 5: 1-9.
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