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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2021, 4(11); doi: 10.25236/FER.2021.041101.

Study on Effective Ways to Develop Curriculum Ideological-political Education in Basic English in Higher Vocational Colleges


Xiaoli Hu

Corresponding Author:
Xiaoli Hu

Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Jiangsu, Nanjing 211170, China


Basic English is a compulsory course in higher vocational colleges and featured by its wide coverage, long span and lots of learning hours. This paper analyzes several problems in curriculum ideological-political education in basic English in higher vocational colleges: English teachers lack sense of ideological-political education, English teaching materials lack ideological-political education content and English teachers lack effective ways to carry out ideological-political education. Then, it puts forward several effective ways to carry out curriculum ideological-political education in basic English: English teachers should take initiative to assume responsibility of ideological-political education while imparting foreign language knowledge, constantly enhance curriculum ideological-political education consciousness, enrich English teaching materials ideological-political education content, and fully tap the content of English curriculum. 


basic English, higher vocational college, curriculum ideological-political education, ideological- political theory course

Cite This Paper

Xiaoli Hu. Study on Effective Ways to Develop Curriculum Ideological-political Education in Basic English in Higher Vocational Colleges. Frontiers in Educational Research (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 11: 1-5. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2021.041101.


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