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Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2021, 4(6); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2021.040603.

Thermal Decomposition and Moisture Absorption Kinetic Analysis of Spaceflight Cork Board


Zhen Wang1, Xinlong Chang1, Chunguo Yue1, Zhuoyi Li2

Corresponding Author:
Zhen Wang

1High Technology Institute, Xi’an, China

2Unit 91515, Sanya, China


The thermal properties of aerospace cork board were studied by thermogravimetric analyzer at room temperature to 1000℃. The hygroscopic characteristics of aerospace cork board were studied by constant temperature hygroscopic method in the range of 20℃ to 40℃. The results show that the pyrolysis process of cork board is similar to that of cork (particle), and the remaining products are mainly adhesives. The initial hygroscopicity of cork board meets Fick's second law, and the wet diffusivity and activation energy increase with the increase of temperature. According to the C-R model of thermal decomposition and water diffusion formula, the kinetics of pyrolysis and moisture absorption of cork boards were described, and the related kinetic parameters were calculated, which provided a reference for the aging research of cork board.


cork board, kinetic analysis, thermal decomposition, moisture absorption

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Zhen Wang, Xinlong Chang, Chunguo Yue, Zhuoyi Li. Thermal Decomposition and Moisture Absorption Kinetic Analysis of Spaceflight Cork Board. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 6: 14-20. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJETS.2021.040603.


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