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International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2017, 1(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.17224.

Two Questions of Research on the Fairing for C-Bézier Curves


Zhongning Li, Yanli Chen

Corresponding Author:
Zhongning Li

Department of Mathematics, Yinchuan Energy Institute,Yinchuan750105,China


This thesis talks about the preliminary study on the modification of the new C-Bézier curves, Asuccinct for mulafor calculating the derivative of the degree 3C-Bezier curve is given. It studies the four order C-Bézier curve fairing problem.  Fairing C-Bézier curves are satisfied by adjusting the shape of the parameter on the basis of applying energy.


CAGD, C-Bézier curves, Fairing, Stitching

Cite This Paper

Zhongning Li and Yanli Chen. Two Questions of Research on the Fairing for C-Bézier Curves.  International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2017) Vol.1, Num.2: 96-97.


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