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International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2021, 3(8); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2021.030807.

Fengqiao Electronic Age: Research on Online Mediation of Intellectual Property Infringement in Guangzhou


Huiying Zhong, Leiwun Kong, Ruiguang Chen, Yuetian Wang, Lihua Huang, Shuaixian Liu

Corresponding Author:
Huiying Zhong

Guangdong Machinery Technician College, Guangzhou, China

Lektou Law Firm, Macao, China

Nansha District People’s Court of Guangzhou, Guangzhou, China

Guangdong Abner Law Firm, Guangzhou, China

Guangzhou Court of the Internet, Guangzhou, China

Hong Kong Intellectual Property Advisory Service Co., Ltd., Hong Kong, China


Fengqiao Experience, as a model of China’s grassroots social governance practice, had played an important role in resolving various civil disputes. In recent years, in the face of a surge in the intellectual property disputes, in order to optimize the business environment that values intellectual property, various measures have been taken across the country, including establishing online mediation platforms such as Fengqiao E Station. How to maintain healthy market competition and regulate the rules about business rights protection is a topic that urgently needs to be studied and resolved in the field of intellectual property protection currently. This paper used the results of online surveys conducted on wjx.cn and mikecrm.com for workers in different industries, to summarize the challenges faced by online mediation of intellectual property disputes and experience accumulated in practice, such as Hong Kong’s facilitative mediation model. The paper takes Guangzhou as an example, to put forward effective measures to resolve the problem and provide references for intellectual property protection in the Greater Bay Area.


Fengqiao, electronic age, intellectual property infringement, online mediation, Guangzhou

Cite This Paper

Huiying Zhong, Leiwun Kong, Ruiguang Chen, Yuetian Wang, Lihua Huang, Shuaixian Liu. Fengqiao Electronic Age: Research on Online Mediation of Intellectual Property Infringement in Guangzhou. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2021), Vol. 3, Issue 8: 50-59. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFET.2021.030807.


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