Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2021, 4(6); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2021.040607.
Bo Qu, Xiaoying Huang, Ya Gao, Xintian Chen, Luxin Huang, Yandong Jiang, Meijun Zhu
School of Aeronautical Engineering, Taizhou University, Zhejiang, Taizhou, 318000, China
This paper studies the relationship between catalyst combination, temperature and various products, based on the chemical experimental data. Firstly, the evaluation matrix is constructed, and the TOPSIS model is constructed by nesting the three evaluation models of G1 method (order relationship analysis method), entropy weight method and critical method respectively, so that the evaluation object is weighted by subjective and objective combination. Through the ranking of 114 weight values, it can be concluded that the best scheme is 200mg1wt%Co/SiO2-200mgHAP-ethanol concentration of 0.9ml/min; T=400℃. Finally, the functional relationship between catalyst combination, temperature and C4 olefin yield is obtained by using neural network as fitting model. Genetic algorithm is selected for solution, and the best experimental conditions are: 200mg0.5wt%Co/SiO2-200mgHAP-ethanol concentration of 0.6ml/min; T=450℃.
Entropy weight method, critical method, TOPSIS model, neural network, genetic algorithm
Bo Qu, Xiaoying Huang, Ya Gao, Xintian Chen, Luxin Huang, Yandong Jiang, Meijun Zhu. Research on Ethanol Catalysis Based on Neural Network Genetic Algorithm and TOPSIS Model. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 6: 39-45.
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