Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2021, 4(7); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2021.040704.
Huizhe Li, Xuejun Fu
School of Science, Central University for Nationalities, Beijing, 100081, China
In this paper, the effects of catalyst combination and temperature on ethanol conversion and C4 olefin selectivity were studied by data analysis and mathematical model. First of all, according to the different loading methods, it is divided into an and B groups of data, and the relationship between ethanol conversion and C4 olefin selectivity and temperature under different catalyst combinations are fitted respectively. The curve reacts the relationship between ethanol conversion and C4 olefin selectivity of different catalyst combinations and temperature. Then the curves were normalized and fitted to get two curves. With the increase of temperature, the conversion of ethanol and the selectivity of C4 olefins increased linearly and nonlinearly, respectively.Curve fitting, Linear and nonlinear, Temperature, Ethanol conversion and C4 olefin selectivity
Curve fitting, Linear and nonlinear, Temperature, Ethanol conversion and C4 olefin selectivity
Huizhe Li, Xuejun Fu. Study on the Optimization Process of Ethanol Coupling to C4 Olefins Based on Data Analysis and Polynomial Curve Fitting. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 7: 17-21.
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