Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2021, 4(7); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2021.040706.
Xingyu Zhou1, Kun Huang1, Wenxin Chen1, Kun Chen1, Bo Zhang2, Tingting Long2
1Petroleum Engineering School, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, China
2Sichuan-East Gas Pipeline Co., Ltd., SINOPEC, Wuhan, China
The Sichuan-East Gas Pipeline uses a 1016mm large-diameter pipeline. The geographical conditions and soil conditions along the project are complex, and the pipeline is prone to float up, which affects the safe operation of the pipeline. Taking this project as an example, this paper analyzes the force law of the buried pipeline when the soil liquefaction causes the pipe section to float. Through the ABAQUS finite element simulation, the force and displacement of the pipeline after floating, the influence of parameters such as the length of liquefaction zone, soil density, pipe diameter, wall thickness, buried depth, and pipeline operating pressure on the force and displacement of the pipeline are analyzed. A five-element cubic nonlinear fitting equation was established, and the nonlinear fitting was performed using ORIGIN, and the calculation formula of the limit floating length of the pipeline was obtained and verified. Through the study of the force and displacement of buried pipelines in liquefied soil, the occurrence of pipeline floating accidents can be effectively predicted and prevented, and the safe operation of pipelines can be guaranteed.
soil liquefaction; pipeline floating; failure analysis; numerical simulation
Xingyu Zhou, Kun Huang, Wenxin Chen, Kun Chen, Bo Zhang, Tingting Long. Stress Analysis of Buried Pipeline in Soil Liquefaction Environment. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 7: 28-36.
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