Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2021, 4(7); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2021.040708.
Tian Zhang1, Lexin Xu1, Pengfei Li2, Huanyong Chen3
1School of Transportation Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China
2Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport, Beijing, China
3Shen-Zhong Link Administration Center, Zhongshan, China
In order to analyze the influence of rebar corrosion on the mechanical properties of concrete beams, Abaqus software was used to simulate the static loading conditions of reinforced concrete T beams with different corrosion rates, and get the load-deflection curve of the corroded reinforced concrete T-beam, as well as the change law of key indicators such as yield load, ultimate deflection, and ultimate load. The results show that corrosion has almost no effect on the elastic stage and cracking load of the beam, but the overall load and yield deflection of reinforced concrete T beams decrease with the increase of the corrosion rate, and the yield stage is no longer obvious, the yield load and ultimate load obviously decrease following the increasing corrosion rate, and both are linear correlation with the corrosion rate. Furthermore, the ultimate deflection is negatively linear correlation with the corrosion rate when the corrosion rate is low, but when the corrosion rate reaches 10%, the corrosion rate of the rebar is positively linear correlation with the ultimate deflection.
Reinforced concrete T beam, corrosion rate, static loading, Abaqus numerical simulation
Tian Zhang, Lexin Xu, Pengfei Li, Huanyong Chen. Numerical Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Properties of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 7: 44-50.
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