Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2021, 4(10); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2021.041015.
Weiran Wang
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
The main purpose of this report is to explore the very different consumption concepts and shopping habits of Generation Z, Gen Z consumers’ higher and unique expectations and requirements to fashion brands, and examples of how some brands can make some changes in their marketing approach and product types to meet the preferences of the majority of Generation Z and adapt to the new situation, and finally provide possible solutions to key issues for some brands that are ready to transform into what Gen Z consumers like. This report contains an executive summary, contents, and introduction, four objectives (Very Different Gen Zers, Brand Behavior & Gen Z’s expectations, Gen Z in COVID-19 Crisis, and Possible Solutions) in the main body, conclusion, and references. The section named 'very different Gen Zers' analyses the completely different consumption concepts and shopping habits of Gen Z consumers compared to previous generations. They are very conscious of the personalization and uniqueness of products, they are willing to spend more on sustainable products, and they are concerned about racial equality and will resist brands that support racism. Next, the section entitled 'Brand Behaviour & Gen Z's expectations' analyses higher and more unique expectations and requirements that Gen Z consumers have of brands. And Gen Z expects brands to become more diverse and inclusive (e.g. body type, ethnicity, sexual orientation) and provides examples of brands that have made efforts to change in order to attract Gen Z's attention. Afterward, the section named 'Gen Z in COVID-19 Crisis' identified the changes in the way that Gen Z shops during the pandemic and the reasons why brands need to pay more attention to Gen Z. Some of the Gen Z consumers are limited by social distance and fear of in-store shopping infections. COVID-19 are likely to abandon physical store shopping, and there are more than half of Gen Z consumers choosing to shop online for convenience and cheaper prices. In addition, Gen Z will have over $150 billion in buying power by 2020, brands will need to increase their focus on Gen Z. Some Gen Z will also help keep some brands from going out of business during the pandemic to keep them from going out of business. Finally, the section entitled 'Possible Solutions' discussed possible solutions to some of the key issues raised above. And providing some examples of brands that have successfully marketed to Gen Z, this can be used as a reference for some brands that are ready to market to Gen Z. Brands also need to give greater attention to social media marketing, which is the software that most Gen Z use on a daily basis, and the example of Louis Vuitton shows that the right marketing on social media can bring huge profits to a brand.
Gen Z, Fashion brands, Shopping habits, Shopping consumption
Weiran Wang. How Has the Fashion Industry Reacted to Gen z’s Completely Different Consumption Concepts and Shopping Habits?. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 10: 72-80.
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