Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2019, 2(3); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.040064.
Qinhan Yao, Xinnan Yu
Changzhou Campus Of Hohai University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, 213022
Based on the locations of locations of ISO cargo containers and the drone fleet, we develop a shortest path model. The model provides a recommendation for flight plan of drones using Dijkstra’s algorithm. By re-planning the flight path through the short- est path algorithm, it is possible to reduce the flight length of drones and increase the navigation time of drones. We reduce the length of the roads need to be photographed by 60.2% (282.8km) and 46.2%(365.24km) respectively in the western region and eastern region.
Disaster Relief; K-means Clustering; Shortest Path Algorithm
Qinhan Yao, Xinnan Yu. Send in the Drones Developing an Aerial Disaster Relief Response System. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2019) Vol. 2, Issue 3: 8-13.
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