Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2021, 4(9); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2021.040904.
Wu Mingxi
China Aviation Fuel Co., Ltd. Southwest Company. Chengdu, Sichuan, China. 610202
The study takes the safety management of a domestic petrochemical company as the research object, collects and summarizes relevant information, and analyses the current situation in four aspects, including its organizational structure, safety management system, safety culture construction and behavioral control, so as to identify the problems that exist, such as the adverse impact of management changes, the lack of depth in the construction of safety management system, and the lack of strength in the construction of safety culture. The study also compares and draws on the safety management concepts and systems of well-known domestic and international chemical companies such as DuPont, Toyota and Sinopec, for example, establishing the concept that safety investment is efficiency and extending production safety to the lives of employees, and proposes measures to absorb and apply these achievements in the context of the actual situation of the company. The study proposes a "1-2-4 model" based on the existing "2-4 model" of accident causation: a safety information platform, two levels of organization and individual, the root cause of culture, the fundamental cause of system, the indirect cause of employee awareness and knowledge, and the direct cause of employee behavior. In view of the problems of enterprise safety management, based on the model, this paper proposes measures to improve WD's safety management, including planning, creating a safety information platform, establishing a safety management organization and employing professional staff, introducing solid system construction and benchmarking activities, cultivating a progressive corporate culture, creating a good working atmosphere, truly putting people first, putting strong training and education in place, raising staff safety awareness, teaching employees about safety, adopting effective motivational methods, etc. This will promote the continuous updating and improvement of WD's safety management and ensure a healthy and sustainable development of the company as well as a harmonious community business relationship.
safety management; safety culture construction; behavioral control; safety management system
Wu Mingxi. Study on WD Petrochemical Company Safety Management Improvement. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 9: 16-28.
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