Frontiers in Art Research, 2022, 4(1); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2022.040103.
Xin Liu
National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, Beijing, China
Cross-cultural adaptation is the reproduction of classic works by creators in different periods and regions, which reflects the integration of different cultural demands. In the adaptation of Shakespeare's "Hamlet", "The Revenge of the Prince", a Peking Opera produced by Taiwan Contemporary Legend Theatre, has been optimized in terms of means of expression. However, due to the different cultural backgrounds and symbol systems of China and the West, some important characteristics of the original play are weakened in the presentation of conflicts and the portrayal of main characters.Therefore, opera adaptation is not only a simple transplant of the original work, but also an original creation full of innovative challenges.
Shakespeare's "Hamlet"; Peking Opera "The Prince's Revenge"; Modernization; Cross-Cultural Adaptation
Xin Liu. Integration, Challenge and Loss: The Localization of Shakespeare's Plays—A Case Study of Contemporary Legendary Theatre "The Revenge of the Prince". Frontiers in Art Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 1: 14-19.
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