Frontiers in Art Research, 2022, 4(1); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2022.040104.
Qinjie Mo
School of Art and Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Beijing, China
As an art form, "view box" is the communication channel between the viewer and the picture, and the key of the gestalt intuitive aesthetic space. Meanwhile, the duality of its relationship with the viewer is the foundation of constructing aesthetic "field". As a concept, "visual frame" has more methodological and ontological significance in the current cultural background, and its logical relationship with viewers helps people cultivate a more poetic way of life. This paper mainly discusses the deeper cultural connotation of "visual frame" from the perspective of system theory and cybernetics by taking the specific characteristics of "visual frame" in intuitive aesthetics as the breakthrough point.
"View box"; Intuitive Aesthetics; Communication Channels; Barrier Meaning; Poetic
Qinjie Mo. The Significance of "View Box" to Intuitive Aesthetics. Frontiers in Art Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 1: 20-25.
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