Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2022, 4(2); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2022.040204.
Zhang Yang
Xi'an Neuropathic Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
Stroke is a type of devastating cerebrovascular event that disrupts cerebral blood flow due to the blockage or burst of cerebral blood vessels, which easily causes physical disability and multiple functional impairments in patients. The mortality rate of stroke patients in China is the first in the world, and pulmonary infection is an important cause of impaired clinical outcomes in patients with acute stroke, The term stroke associated pneumonia (SAP) has been proposed so far, emphasizing the fact that the two are closely related in pathophysiology.tcm holds that phlegm heat Fu decoction is the most common syndromic form of stroke, and Hua Duan Fu method represents the prescription of Fang Xinghui Qi Decoction for treating stroke.xinghui Qi Decoction is the most representative formula for treating stroke with phlegm heat Fu The theory of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the "" bacteria intestine brain axis "" proposed in modern medicine have a different variety. Many clinical trials have confirmed the exact clinical efficacy and neuroprotective effect of Xinghui Chengqi Decoction in treating sap, however, the study of its effect mechanism is still insufficient. Therefore, the author intends to carry out a combed summary of histfang herbal chemical components, pharmacological effects and their mechanisms of action of xinglouchengqi Decoction to deeply explore the intestinal microecological mechanism of sap and the effector mechanism of xinghuichengqi Decoction in treating post-stroke pneumonia of phlegm heat Fu solid type.
xinglouchengqi decoction, stroke, stroke-related pneumonia, immunosuppression, pneumonedema
Zhang Yang. Mechanism of Pneumonia after Treatment of Phlegm Heat Fu Solid Type Stroke Using Xinglouchengqi Decoction. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 2: 17-23.
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