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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(2); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.050211.

Study on the Present Situation of Learning Burnout and Its Influencing Factors on High-school Students with Hearing Impairment


Yan Li1, Xin Shi2

Corresponding Author:
Yan Li

1Leshan Normal University, Leshan Sichuan 614000, China

2Yilong County Special Education School, Nanchong Sichuan 637676, China


To understand the learning burnout and its influencing factors on high-school students with hearing impairment, 240 students were randomly selected in Sichuan, Guizhou and Chongqing province. The survey found that: (1)The learning burnout of High-school students with hearing impairment is generally at lower-middle level; (2)There are significant differences in the scores of personal isolation and learning burnout among high-school students with hearing impairment in different gender; (3)There are very significant differences in the scores of personal isolation among high-school students with hearing impairment of different household types; (4)There are significant differences in the scores of personal isolation and learning burnout between left-behind high-school students and non- left-behind ones; (5) There are very significant differences in the scores of physical and mental exhaustion, learning burnout among high-school students with hearing impairment in different provinces and cities. There are extremely significant differences in the scores of personal isolation; (6) There are significant differences in the scores of personal isolation among high-school students with hearing impairment of different family monthly income. The personal isolation of high school students with hearing impairment whose household income is less than 1,500 Yuan per month is remarkably higher compared with the high school students with hearing impairment whose household income is more than 3001 Yuan per month; (7)There is no significant difference in learning burnout and its each aspect among high school students with hearing impairment in different grades; (8)In the aspect of low achievement, there is a significant cross-impact between genders and whether or not left-behind children; provinces and family monthly income; in the aspects of personal isolation, there is a significant cross-impact between whether or not only-child and whether or not left-behind children; in the aspect of  learning burnout, there is a significant cross-impact between grades and family monthly income.


High-school students with hearing impairment; learning burnout; present situation; influencing factors

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Yan Li, Xin Shi. Study on the Present Situation of Learning Burnout and Its Influencing Factors on High-school Students with Hearing Impairment. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 2: 52-62. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2022.050211.


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