Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2022, 5(1); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2022.050120.
Changhai Chen
College of Art Graduate School, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom
In the 1960s, as a result of the Western feminist movement, feminism gained widespread attention from all sectors of society. Feminism has been discussed in a variety of British and American youth films in recent years. They have focused on the collision and intermingling of the two sexes within the framework of a patriarchal society through this mode of expression, expressing the cultural aspiration for harmonious coexistence of the two sexes.
feminism; male power structure; youth cinema in Britain and America; gender culture
Changhai Chen. Gender Culture in British and American Youth Cinema: Women's Resistance and Compromise during the Gender Equality Process. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 1: 116-121.
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